Photo shoot! AG

Hello =]
I’m back and since I haven’t put any good AG pictures on here I will today.

So yeah. Photo-


Of Boredom and Waiting

Bwaaaaahhhhhh. Midnight Mass…..

I am so bored/tiredish/sick of waiting for Christmas! 

iT’S LATE, LATE LATE!!! I haven’t been up, dressed and drinking caffeinated tea 🙂 in ages…

I’m getting bored. Bored as a piece of plywood. Bored as a hole. 


Tomorrow, tomorrow, like the piece of cake you can’t reach…

AN ODOR (odor, for a bad thing, not an ode, for a lovely thing) TO CHRISTMAS EVE

Long as a lifetime, short as a minute

Not enough stuff you can do in it

The promise of tomorrow fills my head

Bored any longer and I’ll sure be dead

Enticing scents

Glittering presents

sugar’s all I can smell

i can hear one lone jingling bell

and the night before

drags on more and more

till we’ve all conked out on the floor.


Weird, right?

It’s late, I’m bored, Midnight Mass can’t come sooner. 

As I promised, tomorrow afternoon, I’ll post boat loads of pictures and review some lovely stuff.


Got to go, see you tomorrow and Merry Christmas, Happy Other Holidays I don’t Celebrate and have a stellar Dollidays!!!

xo Happy Cat 

Christmas Eve!!!!!


Unless you’ve had your head under a rock for a week, you would know it’s Christmas Eve. 

Tomorrow, there will be a MASSIVE blog post documenting the HappyCat Family Christmas Morning. 

Last night, I had the harebrained idea to pull an all-nighter. I succeded… almost. I was up till about 4:30, conked out, woke up an hour later, and fell back to sleep until 8:45. YAY ME.

I was adjusting to late-nights, since I’ll be up freakishly late for a (weird but awesome) tradition- Midnight Mass, which makes it totally okay to stay up until after midnight. This will be my second year at midnight mass. 

And of course, I have to festive-ize my dolls’ outfits, although I think only Bella (my doll 🙂 ) will be joining me tomorrow morning- Kari/Caroline’s hair is impossible. 

Also, today is going to be endless…

So all day I am doing odd and Christmassy things like…

– Making chocolate truffles… just me…
– Using Google’s Santa Tracker

       SIdenote- This is really cute and the minigames are fun. The animation that is Santa’s final preparation is funny and Santa wears Google Glass! There are some other, smaller animations on there like elves on a Ferris wheel. 

– Dressing up my American Girl dolls in holiday outfits

– EATING so I don’t crash in church

– Singing- warming up for Mass- the songs are hard to sing and have a really wide range… must… practise…

– Sleeping? Mr. HappyCat says I have to nap… how about not? I don’t nap unless I’m sick or tired. NOT TIRED!! 

– Being excited for Christmas Morning… so exciting… 

– Wrapping gifts- Prism CD by Katy Perry, Webkinz tiger plush for my sister

– posting blog stuff? I don’t know…


Ok, I’ll stop rambling and get baking… and posting… and wrapping… and singing… and other stuff- ing! 

Have a good Christmas Eve Day and I promise I’ll post tomorrow.


Dolliday Season Day 1

Apple White doll Review

Hi everyone. My awesome dad let us being me and my sister open one present from each other and we picked…
Ever After High dolls!! She got me Apple White and I got her Briar Beauty.



They are both sooooo pretty and Apple is freakishly photogenic.
She came with…

A gold plastic stand.

A gold key shaped brush.

Loads of accessories- a gold necklace, bracelet, bow earrings and two finger ring, red apple purse that opens.


Apple’s dress- a two tiered confection with a red apple and vine print underskirt and pink flowery peplum things (I think :)) and gold shrug (another guess from the non-fashionista)


Shoes and net tights


Another look at the shoes… Apples?


Apple being sassy 😉

I found some stuff for Apple to use in my Littlest Pet Shop bins and…

Hocus lattes


Tea cup and saucer…


I love the doll and be prepared for WAAAAY MORE DOLLS over winter break.

-Apple White and happycat

I have been a wordpresser for one year!!!

Hiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!

I have been on WordPress for a whole year… And one day. My blogoversary was yesterday… And I have a snow day today so I will start a new series. Post soon on that.. I call it… THE DOLLIDAY SEASON!! I l will have reviews, hauls, and LOADS LOADS LOADS OF CRAFTSSS.

Ever After High Apple White!!!

Yes it’s true… I got an Apple White doll and she’s stunning. I am renaming her Holly White because she has an uncanny resemblance to Holly Henry from season five of the Voice. She got the boot 😦

But here is lovely Holly.


Review soon 😉

Go check out my song covers!!!


I haven’t posted in ages but these covers I will admit are kinda good. 

GO WATCH…. Radioactive Imagine Dragons

There will be others soon just as soon as my iPhone uploads faster  XP

See you laterz! 


Happy thanksgiving 😊

Hey everyone!
I hope that all of you have had or are having a stellar day with family, friends, food or however you celebrate. Also, to everyone celebrating Hanukkah, I hope it’s a good eight nights for you. ( I don’t celebrate but some of you might)
In other celebratory news, my 1 year WordPress anniversary. I don’t mean Rainbows sand AG Dolls but me as a blogger.

Have a good rest of your evening.

Hello everyone!!!

This week is awesome.
I got an iTunes gift card for my birthday on Sunday. I got ten songs and two of which I’m in love with and two are from The Voice if anyone watches that.
They are: from the voice:
Jacquie Lee: Stompa by Serena Ryder.
Holly Henry: The Scientist. By Coldplay.

Yes. I’m going to AG TONIGHT!!!
I’m so excited cuz me, dad and my sister are going to AGP SEATTLE.


ok. See you later everyone

Xoxoxo happy cat